i started writing when i was four. while i could not spell or scribe yet, with the help of my older sister, i put together my first book, my heart with two feet. in its few pages told a goring tale which detailed the devastation of heartbreak i experienced each time she had to leave for days at a time due to custody battles, a time-old story which would later develop into an untamed abandonment complex.
from the days of dial-up internet, i occupied every space – livejournals, photobuckets, myspace, facebook, wordpress…two decades of avid and thorough documentation, and more photos, poems, and written lamentations than i could possibly count. it is difficult to explain why, then, developing this site has been put off for two years after the initial purchase of the domain name, but i suspect that a desire to avoid feeling self-promoting is behind it. in a city where property seems like a pipe dream, this almost feels like owning real estate.
rather than jump into some long-winded story about my arduous beginnings and their influences on my affinity for writing (we’ll get there), i’ll simply state my intent with this page. my hope is to delve into some topics oft left unspoken from a lens of vulnerability and frankness in an attempt to relate to those who may have difficulty expressing themselves. in a world of lifestyle blogs and self-help books, i’d like to offer a space for mere con•tem•pla•tion; to sit with your thoughts and feelings, with no pressure or expectation to “change” or to “fix.” beyond that, it’s really up to each of you to determine what, if anything, you find valuable in my words, but i am looking forward to writing them with you in mind.